Saturday, March 22, 2014

Some recommendations + Directions to LeSSang's Pocha Center

Just got to know there are so many people visiting this blog! So thankful to everyone of you!! ^.^

So anyway.. It had been more than 2 months since I am back. and I am missing there a lot!! So I have decided to do some recommendations of some stuffs that I had used when I am there.. Something that is best to have for your everyday use..

EG Prepaid SIM Card

I find this super useful especially when there's like free wifi everywhere in most parts of Seoul! From the trains to train stations to the streets to buses.. And yes I repeat.. IT'S FREE!! and what is the best is that it gets connected immediately without needing password and the connection it connects to need password. So cool! Strongly recommend this.. So how to get this?

I pre-registered for it and collected it at the airport. The place to collect it is super easy to find. It's called K Books.

Step by step registration:

1) go to
2) Click on 'Buy Online'
3) Select the details that you wanted. This is extremely good as they provide Micro SIM for iPhone 4 or 4s, Standard SIM for Samsung and other phones and Nano SIM for iPhone 5! I am not sure about the availability for the Nano SIM though because I bought the Micro one for my iPhone 4s and my iPhone 5s is used as a camera. Strongly recommended to get it online as my friends only went to Korea to get it and could only get activated 3 days after arrival and may still need to wait for a few hours to get it working. I got mine working immediately after I arrived!
4) details on collection venue: Incheon Airport Level 1 Exit 7. It is inside the airport. Exit numbers are stated above the doors so just look for exit 7 and you should be able to see K Books. I printed the receipt they sent to me by e-mail and pass it to the person there to get the SIM card.

this is what I got! my Korean number is there.. I bought a micro SIM with 1G data service as I am there for 1 month and it is just nice! 

and what happens if the data service went out of data. You can download this app (picture below in red) for Android or Apple! This app can help show the data service left and if they are all run out, you may top-up using the app or online! Very convenient.. 

To top-up:

Select language

 Click 'Top-up' to top up. Your Account shows the balance of Voice and Data left.

To top up. Click 'Top-up for Voice'. Select the amount you want to top-up. After that click on 'Top-up for data' to top up using your voice. Voice are for calling and top up data.

KTO Visit Korea 3.0

I find this app very good for tourist. It states all of the directions to all the tourist spots! Warning: some directions may be wrong or take a longer time to get there so better double check.

Korea Subway

Another app that is a must have! This app shows you the whole Subway map and even tells you the estimated time the train arrive (Super accurate) and tells you how to travel from one place to another without getting lost! and since I will be talking about the directions of Pocha Center (Yes. I know many are looking forward to this part. I received some comments asking how to get there. So I will do it here later.. :D)

After download let them update the database first. It shouldn't take too long..

You can select the language and area.. For now I will cover on Seoul first (Since I only used on Seoul)

This is the whole of Seoul subway map! It's big and complicated so it's very common to be unable to find the station you are looking for. Click on the arrow on the top right hand corner and click on 'search' and type the station name. It will show you the exact position on the map. You can also use it to find out the estimated time taken to get to that station. Example below is from Myeong-dong to Sinsa (for LeeSSang's Pocha Center!)

The way from Myeong-Dong to Sinsa. Just one transfer needed at Chungmuro. :) You may use this to get to Sinsa.. 

Directions to LeeSSang's Pocha Center

Firstly, I would like to thank the 3 who commented regarding the directions to LeeSSang's new shop at Sinsa-dong!! Knowing that LeeSSang have more and more fans are just so great! and to those who are also both Gary and Gil or only Gary or only Gil fan out there.. HELLO FELLOW LEESSANG FAN!! ^.^ I know many of you are wanting to head there and no directions or address in english can be found. So here I am to help you! But to take note it is not GUARANTEED that either Gary or Gil will be there because I didn't see them there.. T.T Good luck on finding them! ^.^

Directions Directions!! After arriving at Sinsa station. Exit from exit 8. keep walking straight until you see a first right turn. Turn in and you should able to see it. It's a tall black building. There's Gong Cha and a Japanese Ramen shop beside. *IMPT: Only opens from 5pm so be there only at night!!*

Address: Gangnam-gu, Sinsa-Dong, Seoul 536-6 (서울 강남구 신사동 536-6)

Thank you once again for visiting this little blog of mine! ^.^ 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Reflections on SIM-KHU Korean Language Immersion Program

Although the whole program had already ended and I am back here in Singapore, I still cannot believe that I actually had this chance to go to Seoul and study Korean despite me only knowing about this program a day before the deadline and submitting the application form on the actual day of the deadline. I had to rush through the application process and printed out all the necessary application forms and documents within a few hours while studying for my examination just a few days after the application deadline. It was so fortunate for me to be able to get chosen to go to Seoul a country that I really love and wanted to go. I also find that it was so brave of me to stay at a completely foreign country and not being able to speak and understand their language at all. The only way that most of us can communicate with is by using sign language. Communication being the biggest barrier when I was there for 4 weeks. But soon, everything was resolved when I got to know a friend from the same program who happened to be my room mate to have learnt Korean before in the past but had stopped some time and was a little rusty speaking. She was the biggest help to me and to some of the other participants as we were travelling in a group of 10 and without her, I have no idea how the other 9 of us would survive with our broken Korean.

Before the program, I had always been dependent on other people to help me with things. But during the program, most of the time I am alone and had to do and complete several task that have to be done immediately. Being in a group, communication is very important. If one communication is broken down and misunderstandings occur, it will affect the rest of the people in the group and small packs will develop. That was what happened during the program. During the 4 weeks, the 21 of us were divided to 3 different groups due to some misunderstanding with a few of them. But later it became from 3 to 2 when my group of 10 tried to get everyone to go out together.

During the program, I have learnt that in Korean, they take manners very carefully and there are 2 different ways of speaking - informal and formal. To me, it is very difficult to distinguish the difference, therefore I seldom do the talking as I am afraid that I would be acting or speaking at the wrong tone or manner to another person regardless of age. There was also even a rule that while pouring water or tea, you must pour for the person older than you first with 2 hands and giving the drink with 2 hands and that we cannot pour the drink into our glasses on our own. The Korean culture and manner are a bit too much for me to handle but slowly, I was able to get used to it.

In 4 weeks, I have learnt a lot - Korean, Korean culture, manner, the different kinds of food, the complicated subway map. I even climbed hills and stairs everyday to get to class. It was very tiring at first but slowly I got used to it and climbing was relatively easier for me. The subway station is big and may get lost. In addition, a subway station may have many different lines and if we are at a different line, we may need to go to somewhere even further or maybe even opposite the track to get to the other line. There were also not many escalators around the subway so climbing up and down stairs are very common. Even in the trains, it is different from Singapore. Koreans would queue first before boarding the train. Food and drinks are allowed to be taken and consumed in the train. Koreans care a lot for the elderly with seats reserved for the elderly and handicapped seen always empty. If a youngster sat on that seat, they may get scolded by the citizens. Koreans take recycling very importantly and they have special color coded plastic bags for them to throw their waste. It was too much for me as I could not remember the color code of each plastic bags to throw what kind of rubbish into. Just like in Japan, clearing the table after eating is a must in cafe, school canteen and fast food restaurants. I have to separate all the different utensils first before placing at the designated area.

When I was at Korea, I realized that Koreans are also more friendly to those who can speak and understand Korean. They will tend to bring them around more and talk to them and also buying them free items. Therefore, I feel that it is very important to know how to communicate in Korean first before heading to Korea for holiday or else we may get ignored.

Through this program, it helped me to understand Korea's culture and their tradition more. It also made me want to learn Korean more. Therefore, I had started searching for local schools teaching Korean so that I can continue the studying of Korean so that in the future when I go back to Seoul, I would be able to communicate better.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 23 (Final Day): Rolling paper + Closing Ceremony + Farewell dinner

Final day of the program! Was packing up to leave and there were vibrations on my phone with messages of writing cards for the 2 teachers who taught us Korean and also staying by us helping us taking care of us and helping us to get used to staying in Korea especially in the cold weather!

Hand written messages from us! ^.^

I thought the card was bought somewhere. But until I looked carefully. It is all hand made and drawn by Hui Mei! So talented! Gosh!

Went to school for the final time. Went to the classroom. Today is just writing on rolling paper and watching documentary show on Korean food while eating snacks teacher bought. Rolling paper is actually a tradition in Korea when it come to the last day of a special occasion whereby everyone write their final messages on a paper and the paper is passed around. So touching for this part. Some even said that they almost cried while writing it! Me included!

Completed rolling paper written by all 15 classmates of mine + 2 more from another class but in this Immersion Program as well. :)

Closing ceremony begin!

All 21 of us with our graduation certificates. We officially graduated from Kyung Hee University! 

I really didn't know that it would be this grand. haha.

And we received the photo we took 2 days ago. See the number of people! All of us are at the very center. Just like VIP again. hehe.

Last photo with Chun Hui and Hui En! ^.^

While walking out of school slowly together with Wen Lin. She pass me this. Birthday + Christmas + New Year + Farewell present! Made me feel super bad because I didn't get anything for her. :( Thank you Wen Lin! You are the very first friend I know during this Program and one of the 1st few who reached at the meeting point at the airport on 16 December! So happy to have you as my room mate for this 4 weeks and being our translator when comes to ordering food before we learnt how to at the very last few days. Sure is awesome to know you during this trip. And thanks for recommending me on Korean Language School in Singapore! Gonna check it out and enrol myself into the school soon because their most recent intake registration date is already over! XD Just when we are still in Korea. haha. Keep in touch and see ya around in school!

Went to the restaurant for our farewell dinner. :)

Had choice of Bulgogi or Bibimbap. But chose Bibimbap because I haven't even eaten a single traditional bibimbap yet! My very first bibimbap in 4 weeks!

With Teacher Kim. He brought us around for Corporate Visits during this 4 weeks. Must be really difficult to take care of all 21 of us. Making sure we don't get missing or injured.

Thank you Teacher Kim! For all the lessons, guidance, birthday cake and bringing us around for Corporate visit and also serving and cutting the pork rib for me. ^.^

Teacher Lee! She brought us around school on the very first day! Really cute and nice teacher who love the punishment of writing our name using our butt! XD Thank you Teacher Lee for teaching us also and bringing us around school and helping us taking photos using your camera phone! <3

Prof. Kim! Although the dean told us to call her mother for this 4 weeks. But I still prefer calling her unnie (sister)! During dinner 1 day, met her at the traditional chicken noodles shop while we were leaving after dinner. While I was about to walk out, I walked past her and she told me "Don't drink too much." :) So sweet of her although I don't know why she told me when so many of us were there and I wasn't the first or last one who left. I am like the 4th person left there? But I am still glad that she cared about me more and told me that. Even when I got the Kyung Hee jacket and cap and she saw it she was super happy. haha. Thank you unnie for everything! Keep in touch and hope to see you in the future just like what you said on Kakaotalk! <3

When I was about to leave JJ. Albatross. Wen Lin told me she wanted to walk me out and asked to take final photos of us.

I really missed all the wonderful times we had together. The first meeting at Seoul international airport. The first stay together in the same room. The first lunch together at Burger King. Walking around Hoegi and near school. Taking bus and subway together. Meeting coincidentally on the train while I was on the way back from Myeongdong and you on the way back from Dongdaemun. I have the best roomie, the best translator, the best friend! ^.^

And so that's a wrap! That's the end of the 4 weeks program! :(

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 22: Last Special Lecture + Last Korean Lesson :(

Even though I didn't want this day to come it still has to come. It was the final lesson as a Kyung Hee University student. Tomorrow will be the Closing ceremony and writing of notes for each and everyone of us. So fast! 

Special lecture wasn't as boring as last week but most of us are not in the mood because it is our last day of classes. :( 

Group photo after Special Lecture! ^.^

After special lecture, went to lunch at Dragon Palace for the last time. I am leaving tomorrow night so won't be having any meals with the rest of the people after this one. :(

Sweet and sour pork

Last Jjajangmyeon that I will have before leaving Hoegi


After lunch, went for class. Everyone still did not have any mood due to the very last Korean Class and we are leaving our dorm soon. :(

Taken in the toilet. My new jacket and cap that I got yesterday! Once a Kyung Hee student forever a Kyung Hee student! ^.^

My mum said that she couldn't recognize me because of the new Korean look I have. erm. Right. Korean look after wearing a whole outfit of clothes I got from Korea!

With sister!

At Everysing again. Came here before. Looking around and mum want to take picture of my back view and bag. 

Neoprint machine at Everysing Myeongdong! Taking neoprints with SM Entertainment celebrities! Awesome!

Neoprints with sister and SNSD! Super loads of fun!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Day 21: Photo taking with the rest of the Korean Winter intake Batch + 2nd last Korean Lesson

Had photo taking with super a lot of people! More than 300 people I guess! From all over the world. I wonder how to photo will turn out. haha. While waiting, we took our own selfies too! hehe..

Starting soon! Dean and the teachers came over. :)

Last selfie of myself before the photo shoot starts! ^.^

Went to have our lunch after the photo shoot! Went to a nearby shop that just opened. Flying fish

Bulgogi Bibimbap!

Went for Korean class after that. Today learnt about reading time. And was asked to create a story. Each one of us say the time then say what the characters in the story do. It was super funny when we created this. It's a super sad romantic story by the way.

Translations are as follows:

(after exercising)
7:30am wash up
7:40am shower
8:15am eat breakfast
8:45am meet up with boyfriend
9:00am walk to school with boyfriend holding hands
9:30am go to school library
9:40am hug at library
10:00am go to everland
12:00pm buy stickers at everland
12:30pm eat cotton candy together
1:00pm ride roller coaster together
3:00pm drink coffee together
5:00pm go to Incheon airport
7:00pm plane crash
-story end- XD

After class, went back dorm to put some stuff and went to Myeongdong for dinner! Went to Todai at Noon Center for International Buffet!! <3

Super yummy!! ^.^ After that walked around Myeongdong and in one of the Olive Young shop I saw this!

2009 Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA)! I wonder why is it there.

 N Seoul Tower from far

Going there with my sister and mum when they comes. They are reaching tomorrow! Meeting them for dinner! ^.^

My teacher told us that tomorrow will be our last lesson together. :( No more Korean classes after tomorrow. I wonder how am I going to survive within this 1 week when I only know how to order this by saying "this one! one!" Am doomed! >.<