Friday, December 27, 2013

Day 11: 2nd Corporate Visit - Louis Quatorze, Seoul Global Centre & Nanta show

Was super late today. Felt so bad as everyone had to wait for me. :( So sorry to everyone. Due to the cold weather and me who didn't blow my hair dry after washing. My whole hair froze almost immediately the moment I went outdoors! Guess you can imagine how cold it was at Korea. XD 2nd Corporate Visit! First, we went to Louis Quatorze!

High Quality Branded Bags!

 Premium Branded Bags that are only manufactured in France

Lunch near Seoul Global Centre! Bibimbap!

Visited Seoul Global Centre! :)

Saw Bee Cheng Xiang at Myeongdong! haha!

Watching Nanta show!

Feeling of being a VIP again when the screen before the show started showed "Welcome SIM Global Education Students to Nanta Myeong Dong". Didn't know about it until my teacher told us. So didn't take any picture of it.

Dinner! Shrimp Curry Rice with Cheese and Fish Cutlet! Super awesome!

Tomorrow will be the 2nd weekend since I am here! and I am meeting my Dowoomi for traditional tea! ^.^

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