Reached school at 7.50 am in front of the library to take the bus. 2 hours journey to Daejeon for the first corporate visit - Halla Visteon Climate Control Corporation!
My teacher first handed out our name tags in the bus. That's my Korean name. Didn't know that Korean names are actually taken from our Chinese name. Therefore, instead of the 카산드라 that I thought it will be, it is actually 기민! And I must really be careful of how I pronounce that or else people will think that my name is 기린 which actually means giraffe (many may think it's ok and can help others to remember me forever. but to a Running Man fan like me? Giraffe = Lee Kwang Soo = Betrayal. >.<)
On our way!
We have arrived!!
Welcome sign! The feeling of being a VIP!
Group Photo!
Inside the conference room waiting for the presentation to start.
Water and snacks! Sorry to display the Singaporean kiasu spirit here. But free snacks and they are all so nice!!
After the tour around the industry. Had some free time to take photos! Look at all the snow!
Cassandra, Samantha, Nicole and me.. :)
The 2nd group of people for the tour with our teacher! The tour was broken into 2 groups to enter because the industry is full of machines and it's very dangerous for all to enter at the same time. But the 1st group became the last group to come back. Thus, the missing other group of people.
We were given some free gifts! A photo of us taken before we enter the company and a mug! Thanks for letting us visit! :)
Time for some fun!
Lotte World! We were only given 2 hours to play though. Far too short because we needed to rush back to school for Magnolia 2013 Year-end party and we only reached Lotte World at 5 pm! oh well.. :(
Time to go in!
We played 2 rides! Gyro Drop and Gyro Swing! Wanted to play the indoor rides first but the queue was too long. So we went to play the outdoor one instead. All rides needed to show the entry ticket before riding and I feel that it is totally not needed because which theme park actually needed to see the ticket to play a ride? But my ticket is in my bag and my bag was taken care of by Jovian who didn't want to sit any thrill rides! Almost cannot play at all but I think the crew knew that we were a group and the rest have their tickets with them so they let me in. oh well.. lesson learnt! Never ever ever put your theme park ticket in your bag!
Gyro Drop was an hour wait and Gyro Swing was almost 2 hours wait. So Samantha, Cassandra and Danica queued for some of us. Thx girls! If not for you, we won't be able to play both rides in time for 2 hours!
Orbis Hall at night! That's where the concert is going to be held today! ^.^
Magnolia 2013 Year-end party! Almost didn't make it.
The show started!
Super pretty and they can sing so well! and not forgetting one of them is a student from Kyung Hee University!
My most fave G.NA!! I came to watch this because of her!! haha.. When her intro video was played, I screamed super loud and I think I scared some people around me. hehe. So sorry! And because I screamed, didn't manage to take her intro video pic. :(
So So cute!! Love her!
Here is a video of her performing Black & White that day! :)
More performances!
Her voice is super good too and she is really super cute!
AOA couldn't make it so they changed abit of the performers lists. But at least there is still G.NA!! Don't know about SG Wannabe though.
The show ended! :)
As we exit the Orbis Hall, was given potato chips!! YUMS! hehe..
Our super late dinner/supper because of the concert and we didn't eat much before going for that concert. We only ate bread. hehe.
Cass signing off!! My first weekends in Korea! :)
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